Comparable to the changing of the seasons, the progression of Alzheimer’s stages due to the disease may be marked by way of a variety of key differentiators. And although each senior goes through the disease distinctly, there are a number of characteristics prevalent that generally present at each stage. Hearts at Home In-Home Care offers the symptoms below for family caregivers to be informed of, in an attempt to extend the best level of care for every different stage.
Early (Mild) Stage: Older adults in the early stage of Alzheimer’s are still quite competent to function independently in a variety of areas, but difficulty with remembering, focus, and concentration start to become apparent. The senior may possibly:
- Struggle to think of the proper word for an item
- Fail to remember names of individuals recently met
- Experience minimal trouble with completing tasks
- Misplace items
Middle (Moderate) Stage: Many individuals experience this Alzheimer’s stage for the most lengthy time period, very often years, and gradually have a need for more care. Behavioral challenges might become evident, including frustration and stubbornness. Also oftentimes experienced:
- Elevated memory loss, such as failing to remember personal information like address, phone number, occasions from their own past history, the current day and time, etc.
- Moodiness and the inclination to withdraw from social situations
- Wandering
- Compulsive or repetitive actions
- Restlessness during the night and difficulties with maintaining conventional sleep habits
- Bladder and bowel control issues
Late (Severe) Stage: This last Alzheimer’s stage includes the requirement for full-time, 24/7 care to maintain the person’s safety and personal care needs. Considerable complications are noted in cognitive functionality, the proficiency to interact in conversations, and ultimately, with control of movements. Typical in this stage:
- Loss of comprehension of who and where they are
- Struggles with walking, sitting, and later, swallowing
- Increased levels of sleep
- Increased vulnerability to infections
It’s necessary for family members to develop and maintain a strong network of support during each phase of the disease, in order to provide the very best care for their loved one with Alzheimer’s, and for their own health and wellbeing as well.
Hearts at Home In-Home Care offers customized in-home Alzheimer’s and dementia care, working with family caregivers to provide as much or as little support as required. In the first stage of the disease, this could entail a couple of hours each week of respite care, enabling family members the chance to take time for their own needs and to rest and recharge. In later stages, around-the-clock care can ensure the older adult is protected and well cared for at all times, and that the daily tasks, such as meals, light housekeeping, laundry, and personal care for the senior are all covered – allowing families more quality time together.
Contact Hearts at Home Today
To learn more, call on Hearts at Home, trusted providers of at home care in Overland Park, KS and the surrounding areas. You can reach us by phone at 913-440-4209, or by answering a few simple questions on our online contact form. With Hearts at Home In-Home Care, you always have a trusted care team to walk beside you through the journey of Alzheimer’s. It’s helpful to realize you’re not alone!